class Student:
def __init__(self, id, name, scores):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.scores = scores # Dictionary of subject name and scores
def add_score(self, subject, score):
self.scores[subject] = score
def get_scores(self):
return self.scores
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {self.id}, Name: {self.name}, Scores: {self.scores}"
class StudentGradeManagementSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.students = [] # List of students
def add_student(self, id, name, scores):
student = Student(id, name, scores)
print("Student added successfully.")
def view_students(self):
for student in self.students:
print("--------") # Print separator for clarity
def delete_student(self, id):
for student in self.students:
if student.id == id:
self.students.remove(student) # Remove student from list
print("Student deleted successfully.")
return True # Return success status
print("Student not found.") # If no student is found with the given ID, print an error message
return False # Return failure status if no student is deleted
def find_student(self, id): # Find a student by ID and return their scores for a given subject or all subjects if subject is not provided.
for student in self.students: # Iterate over all students in the system
if student.id == id: # If student found with matching ID...
return student # Return the student object for further processing or retrieval of scores for this student. 如果有其他功能需求可以在这里进行扩展和修改。这只是一个简单的框架示例。需要注意的是,实际应用中的系统需要更详细的功能设计、数据库支持、用户界面等。此外,还需要考虑数据的安全性和完整性等问题。在实际开发中,你可能需要使用数据库来存储和管理数据,使用更先进的编程语言和技术来开发一个完整的学生成绩管理系统。如果你有具体的需求或问题,我会尽力帮助你解答。